Police using Davidhorn interview recorders


Police interview recording made fast, accurate and fair

Davidhorn empowers police forces worldwide with investigative interviewing tools, ensuring precise and authentic evidence in all types of interviews from suspects to vulnerable children.

Our solution combines compliant digital interview recorders to capture interviews at the station or in the field. AI-driven software will transform your interviewing workflow. Now, you can seamlessly stream, auto-transcribe your interviews, safely share your recordings, and generate reports in seconds. And that’s just the beginning.

Trusted globally, our technology ensures accuracy and confidentiality from start to finish.

Our Fixed Recorder used in Suspect Interview Room

When setting up an interview room, the physical layout plays a crucial role in ensuring effective recording and a safe environment. Here are some key considerations:

  • Room Shape and Furniture Configuration: Avoid rooms with complex shapes like L-shaped layouts or recesses, as these can create “blind spots” for cameras. A simple, rectangular room is often preferred for better camera coverage.
  • Acoustic Considerations: A rectangular room is preferrable, as a square room tends to generate a more reflective sound than a rectangular one.
  • Suspect Positioning: In most cases, the suspect should be seated away from the room’s entrance, with the interviewing officer positioned between the suspect and the exit.
  • Furniture Layout: The specific furniture layout may vary based on local practices and regulations.
  • Camera Coverage: It is essential to ensure that the suspect remains within the camera’s coverage area.

Learn more about setting up a Suspect Interview Room