We´re here to help

We offer comprehensive onboarding and support to our customers. Reach out to our support team via the Support portal or book a demo to learn more about the offering.

What our Customers say

  • “It has been put to good use! A very simple and effective solution.”

    Police Officer
    European Police Force

  • “I’m always prepared. I don’t have to make another appointment next week because I need to get the equipment. I already have it with me and I’m really flexible.”

    Head of Corporate Security
    Corporate investigations customer

  • “The first step to a good interview is to record it. We were looking for a company that could help us with that. A contact recommended Davidhorn (previous Indico Systems) in 2012 and it turned out to be a great fit for us. We managed to push our investigation operations to another level. We’ve worked with them ever since.”

    Uwe Keller
    Schleswig-Holstein ex-Police